Come engage in the conversation “Where is ‘Home’ for you Global Badger?”. On Friday, April 24th from 9:00-10:00am Central Standard Time join members of ISS staff from China, Thailand, California, and Wisconsin for some thought-provoking discussions about your concept of “home” as international students.
Join the meeting at 8:45am (CST) to watch Pico Iyer’s TED Talk “Where is home?” that the discussion will be based on. Not able to tune in early? No problem, while our discussion will be based on some of the themes related to home, travel, and worldview from the TED Talk, you do not need to watch the video to participate.
A discussion guide for this special session can be found here: Where Is Home for You, Global Badger presentation
Follow the links below to join the Where is “Home” for you, Global Badger? Virtual Engagement event
Friday, April 24th from 9:00-10:00am Central Standard Time (Login at 8:45am to watch the TED Talk)
Join by website (strong internet connection recommended)
Meeting Access Code: 625 169 930
Join by phone
Tap to call in from a mobile device
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll