The Global Badger Experience Grant (GBEG) is funded by the Chancellor’s Office. It provides funding for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) to implement programs and events that support global engagement and intercultural exchange. Funding decisions are made by the GBEG Board, a committee of student and staff representatives who are appointed annually.
GBEG is administered centrally through the International Student Services (ISS). ISS recognizes international students as a vital part of UW–Madison. We are committed to educating and empowering students to make informed decisions and working with them to advocate for a globally inclusive community. We support this through four strategic areas: advising, compliance, operations, and global engagement.
GBEG encourages RSOs to collaborate with one another to hold events that provide multiple perspectives on global engagement and cultural understanding, and/or to foster international student integration within the campus community. Please refer to the Grant Policy Manual for detailed information.
Note: details provided in this video are subject to change. Updates are available in the manual and WIN application.
The 2024-2025 grant is: OPEN NOW
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Application and Requirements
This will require logging in to the Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN) with your NetID and password.
All rights reserved. These documents are modified based on real applications and are for reference only. No part of these applications may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If we are applying for food, is it okay if the food is ordered from an off-campus vendor?
A: Campus venues have different policies toward outside vendors (Space Reservation Policies, Most places on campus require that catering come from University Dining Services, while several locations allow food to be catered from off campus. RSOs should check with the venue to verify food policies.
In addition, if off-campus food is allowed, for a smoother review process, RSOs should also make sure that the vendor is approved by the University Risk Management ( ).
For more detailed information, please click here to check food policies.
Q: What are the requirements or limitations if we want to provide food at our event?
A: The request for food funding can be accepted by the Review Committee only when i. the vendor has been certified by University Risk Management, ii. the usage of food meets the event’s purpose, iii. the meal/refreshment does not exceed the following maximum rates per person, according to State Policy: $12 for breakfast, $18 for lunch, $30 for dinner, and $10 for refreshment.
Q: What event supplies can be funded?
A: According to the GBE Grant Manual, certain supplies cannot be funded, which include but are not limited to fireworks, weapons or look-alike weapons, and gambling equipment, among others. In addition, only one-time use items can be funded, as supplies purchased through the GBE Grant are considered university property.
Q: Should I consider taxes when applying for GBE Grant?
A: The GBE Grant does not fund any taxes that may be applied to payments for a funded event. The Wisconsin Union will charge tax if the room reservation is made with the RSO discount. In this case the RSOs should be prepared to pay the tax themselves.
Q: How will the funds be reimbursed for the items we request for our event?
A: The GBE Grant does not issue funds directly to RSOs, but instead directly pays vendors for funded items. After approval, it is the RSO’s responsibility to work closely with the Grant Administrator to make payments.
Q: How will the ASM grant status influence my result?
A: To receive an approval, RSOs must have been either approved, scheduled for a hearing (placed on the waitlist), or rejected by ASM for an Event Grant. The Grant Administrator will check with ASM to verify that RSOs are eligible to apply for the Global Badger Experience Grant. However, if your organization is applying for GBE Grant funds for food only, or if the event you are applying for is a cohosted event, you do not need to meet the ASM Event Grant requirement. In an ideal situation, the GBE Grant should function to supplement the ASM Event Grant for food or other items that are not approved by ASM.
If your organization has already been awarded an ASM Event Grant this semester for another event, you are eligible to apply for the GBE Grant.
Q: I am applying for lodging or transportation for my guests. How should I proceed in applying for funding?
A: As the GBE Grant does not issue reimbursements directly to RSOs, funding related to guest lodging or transportation must be made through the GBE Grant. After the approval, RSOs should work closely with the Grant Administrator to book lodging or transportation. Payments made by RSOs or their guests will not be reimbursed.
Q: What does “approved with conditions” mean?
A: The results for your application will either be approved, approved with conditions, or rejected by the Review Committee. “Approved with conditions” (or “partially approved”) means that although the RSO’s application meets enough of the grant’s criteria to be approved, certain parts need to be modified or to include more detailed information to fully meet all of the criteria. The Grant Administrator will contact the RSO to provide further suggestions so that full approval status can be obtained. For example, RSOs may have to provide more detailed information based on their applications, or adjust their requests to be approved by the Review Committee.
Q: What should I do if I am rejected?
A: The denial of the application by no means indicates that an RSO cannot apply again. However, the Grant Administrator will work closely with the applicants toward their final approval if they wish to reapply.
Q: What is a “letter of support,” as requested by ASM?
A: After your approval, ASM may ask for a “letter of support” to show your organization’s ability to cover the whole budget for your event. The Award Letter issued by the Global Badger Experience Grant can function as the “letter of support.”
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Additional resources
For additional campus funding resources, please click here.