Dear Students,
There are increasing reports of a new phishing scam directed at UW-Madison students and staff. There are variations of the message, but the sender’s email address may look similar to a UW-Madison email address – or potentially that of a TA or other official – who directs the recipient to: 1) open an attachment about end-of-semester correspondence, grades, etc., and 2) to click on a link in that document.
Do not open the attachment(s) or click on any links from these messages, nor any other similar messages from a person “trying to reach you,” offering “exam information,” or expressing a sense of urgency while seeking other info regarding your student experience. If you receive an unusual message like this, follow these tips:
Please delete any such messages, or forward them to Cybersecurity staff will use these leads to determine and block the source(s) from our campus-wide email system.
International Student Services (ISS)
Division of Student Life
University of Wisconsin-Madison
716 Langdon Street, 217 Red Gym
Madison, WI 53706