Rayane Prado Nunes (she/they)
Credentials: International Student Advisory Board Member 2023-24
Position title: Hometown: Cuiabá, Brazil
Email: isab@iss.wisc.edu
Hi Everyone! My name is Rayane and third-year undergraduate majoring in Psychology with Certificates in Chicane & Latine Studies, Dance, and Gender & Women Studies. I’m also a First Wave Scholar (14th cohort here) and I work as a Research Assistant at the Social Kids Lab, the Infant Learning Lab, and the Niedenthal Emotions Lab on campus. My favorite thing about UW is being able to pursue arts and science at the same time, with the same quality and depth! As a member of ISAB, I want to advocate for international students and make sure our voices are heard and our needs are met.
Oi gente! Meu nome é Rayane e eu estou no terceiro ano do meu Bacharel cursando Psicologia com Certificados em Estudos Latines, Dança, e Estudos de Gênero. Eu também sou parte do programa First Wave (cohort 14 aqui) e sou assitante de pesquisa no Social Kids Lab, Infant Learning Lab e Niedenthal Emotions Lab. Minha coisa favorita da UW é ser capaz de perseguir a ciência e as artes ao mesmo tempo, com a mesma qualidade e profundidade! Como parte do ISAB, eu quero defender alunos internacionais e garantir que nossas vozes sejam ouvidas e nossas necessidades sejam atendidas.