CPT Information for Campus

How to complete the CPT Verification in Terra Dotta

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1. Academic department in which course is offered

The name of the department offering the course the student will enroll in for their practical workplace experience.


2. Course details

There are 4 parts to this question.

1. What course will the student enroll in that is integral to the degree program and appropriate for practical workplace development? The appropriate course may depend on what type of CPT the student is eligible for.

There are two types of CPT

  1. Required by the degree program
  2. Optional or elective of the degree program

The latter is the most common type of CPT at UW-Madison.

Common CPT course enrollment includes

College of Agricultural & Life Sciences wdt_ID College of Letters & Science College of Business College of Engineering Dissertator
Departmental 399 Course 1 Inter LS 260 GB 450, 451, 750, 751 ECS co-op Dissertator research credits
Inter-Ag 340 4

2. For which terms is the student expected to enroll for this course?

3. How many credits is this course worth?

4. Does the department in #1 consider this course to meet full-time enrollment requirements? Some courses frequently used for CPT count as full-time enrollment during the fall and spring semesters:

wdt_ID College of Business College of Engineering Dissertator “Coursework Completed” Graduate Students
1 GB 451 & 751 ECS co-op Dissertator research credits Approved ISS RCL for “Coursework Completed”

3. Requested dates of employment

Exact start and end dates are required. These dates must match CPT Offer Letter. The dates are typically contingent on specific course enrollment and therefore align roughly with the dates of the semester.

Note that these are the requested start and end dates. A student must have an I-20 with valid CPT authorization in order to start working. CPT review and processing can take up to 15 business days.

Authorized CPT dates may be able to be shortened or extended with the permission of the student, employer, and the student’s academic/faculty/career advisor and ISS approval.

4. Employment Details

Indicate whether the student is expected to work part-time (20 hours per week or less) or full-time (over 20 hours per week). This information should match CPT Offer Letter. CPT must be authorized for either part-time or full-time.

A student may be restricted to the number of hours per week they can be authorized to work by their academic or on-campus employer department. Inform a student of any restrictions and only approve according to the department policy.

If there is a change in the number of hours per week the student is expected to work that will change it to or from part-or full-time, a new CPT application must be submitted to ISS for review and approval.

The position title and most importantly the position description must be directly related to the student’s major (not a minor or certificate). Confirm whether or not the offer is directly related to the degree program and is an appropriate practical workplace experience for the degree level and major.

5. Curricular Component

Which of the following best matches the information in #1 and #2 above?

The first option requires proof from the UW-Madison Guide. It must be required of every student enrolled in that particular degree program. Course enrollment may or may not be required.

The second option is for schools, colleges, or departments that have a particular elective or optional course with course objectives that support practical workplace training.

The third option is for graduate students with a thesis or dissertation requirement who have a practical training experience that is directly related to their research or is otherwise appropriate for a person pursuing that degree program.

The fourth option is for departments that have directed/independent study designated for practical workplace training. Enrollment in directed/independent study courses for practical training experiences should have a written plan of study and should be no more than 3 credits, unless it is a graduate student who has completed all coursework requirements and has an approved ISS Reduced Course Load (RCL)- coursework completed. Undergraduates must follow UW-Madison policy for directed/independent study enrollment.

6. Degree Completion

A student must meet additional requirements to be eligible for CPT during their final semester. It may be necessary to review a student’s DARS and/or satisfactory academic progress report.

CPT cannot be used to delay graduation or degree completion. If a student has completed all degree requirements, post-completion OPT may be an option.

The final semester cannot be used to complete requirements only for a minor or certificate. The I-20 is issued to earn a degree and that is the primary academic objective.

Advisor Certification

The name, title, contact information, signature and date are required by a person authorized to sign off on a CPT form for the specific course in #2.

If it is a directed/independent study course, the instructor of the course should complete the CPT form.